Human-computer Interaction Design

Suzana LoshkovskaSonja GievskaNevena AckovskaIvan Kitanovski
User interacting with buttons on a touch panel

# Human-computer Interaction Design

# Overview

# Contents

The purpose of the course is to introduce the basic principles for designing interactivecomputer systems to students. For this purpose the process of designing interactive systems, design phases (collection and analysis of requirements, prototyping, implementation and usability testing) will be introduced to students.

  • Introduction, terminology, history
  • Human in the human-computer interaction,physical characteristics, cognitive aspects
  • Usability, principles, standards, accessibility,user experience
  • Human computer interaction design process, approaches and featuresof the design process
  • Collection of requirements, interviewing techniques, observation, defining personas and scenarios
  • Representation, sketches, storyboards, prototypes, lowfidelity prototypes, high fidelity prototypes
  • Task analysis
  • Principles for interactivedesign, elements of visual interfaces, error handling, help, and documentation
  • Userinterface evaluation, evaluation methods and techniques, evaluation measures, usability heuristics and usability testing principles

# Outcomes

Upon completion ofthe course, the student is expected to demonstrate knowledge of the process and phases fordesigning interactive systems and can independently or in a team design and implement aprototype of interactive system.

# Methods

Lectures using presentations, interactive lectures, exercises (using equipment and softwarepackages), teamwork, case studies, invited guest lecturers, independent preparation and defense of a project assignment and seminar work.

Type Effort [h]
Lectures 30
Exercises 45
Project Tasks 15
Independent Learning Tasks 15
Home Learning 75

# Materials

Author Title Publisher Year
David Benyon Designing Interactive Systems: A Comprehensive Guide to HCI, UX & Interaction Design Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc. 2013
Jenny Preece, Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers Interaction Design: Beyond HumanComputer Interaction (4th edition) Wiley 2015
Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Maxine Cohen Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction (6th edition) Pearson Education Limited 2017

# Assessment

# Methods

The exam will take place on the 01.06.2022 and 01.07.2022, respectively.

Type Points/Percent
Tests 10 points
Seminar paper / Project 10 points
Activity and Learning 10 points
Final exam 70 points

# Criteria

Grade Grade (letter) Scale
5 F up to 50 points
6 E 51 to 60 points
7 D 61 to 70 points
8 C 71 to 80 points
9 B 81 to 90 points
10 A 91 to 100 points

# Requirements

# Skills


# Equipment


# Enrollment

Participation is free of charge. Student of partner universities can send applications to participate in courses.

Enrolling to this course is not possible at this time.


# Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje

Image of UKIM's University Campus

The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM) is the first and biggest public University in the Republic of North Macedonia, founded in 1949. At the moment, the University represents a functional community of 23 faculties, 5 research institutes, 4 public scientific institutions - associate members, 1 associate member - other higher education institutions and 7 associate members - other organizations. Its activities are stipulated by the Law on Higher Education and the Statute of the University.

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# Lecturers

Suzana Loshkovska
Portrait of Suzana Loshkovska

# Suzana Loshkovska

Suzana Loshkovska received the bachelor and master degrees in computer science and automation from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, in 1988 and 1992, respectively, and the Ph.D. from the Technical University of Wien, Wien, Austria in 1995.

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Sonja Gievska
Portrait of Sonja Gievska

# Sonja Gievska

Sonja was born in 1963 in Skope. She received her bachelor degree in computer science from the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Macedonia in 1986. She holds master degree in Computer Science from the University of Zagreb, Croatia since 1993. She received her D.Sc. degree in computer science from the George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.

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Nevena Ackovska
Portrait of Nevena Ackovska

# Nevena Ackovska

Nevena is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, Macedonia. She holds B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Informatics and Automation at Electrical Engineering Faculty (2000) and M. Sc. in Bioinformatics (2003) and a Ph.D. in the field of Bioinformatics (2008) from Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at “Sts. Cyril and Methodius University” in Skopje, Macedonia. In 1995 she moved in USA and continued her education at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

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Ivan Kitanovski
Portrait of Ivan Kitanovski

# Ivan Kitanovski

Ivan was born on 18.09.1986 in Bitola. In 2005 he enrolled on Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, on the module Information and Computer Engineering. On the same faculty he received a bachelor degree in 2009, with an average grade of 9.77/10 and with the thesis named “Content-based image retrieval using relevance feedback”.

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