Martin Deinhofer

Department Electronic Engineering
- Software Development
- Assistive Technologies
# Martin Deinhofer
Martin graduated at the vocational school HTL St. Pölten (Computer Science) in 1997. He worked in several companies as a software developer (Java, Linux). He studied the bachelor program Sports Equipment Technology and the master program Healthcare and Rehabilitation Technology at the UAS Technikum Wien.
Since September 2013 he has been working as researcher and lecturer at the Department of Electronic Engineering in the field of Assistive Technologies.
He is/was involved in the following research projects
- StudyATHome Internationally (022018-012022) (opens new window)
- AsTeRICS Academy (092013-092016) (opens new window)
- Prosperity4All (022014-022018) (opens new window)
He is one of the main contributors to the AsTeRICS framework (opens new window).