Data Ethics & Open Data (Winter)

Michael GrafLukas Rohatsch
Zeros and ones in front of an abstract face.

# Data Ethics & Open Data (Winter)

# Overview

The course consists of - lectures combined with discussions - project work and exercises

# Contents

  • Basics of ethical decision making
  • Open Data applications in different fields: Healthcare, Finance, Smart Cities etc.
  • Open Data formats
  • Open Data policies
  • Project: analysing and processing open data
  • Data Ethics
  • Data Privacy, Transparency

# Outcomes

After passing this course successfully students are able to

  • analyse and work with Open Data
  • determine different fields of Open Data applications
  • assess the quality of different Open Data sources
  • valuate the importance of responsible handling of data in different areas of application
  • discuss domain-related data ethics
  • analyse and describe the challenges and risks of an intelligent machine learning system (AI)

# Methods & Schedule

Lectures will be regular online presentations in hybrid mode (on-campus lecture + webinar room) at the beginning of the course. The Problem based learning (excercises and projects) will be organized asynchronously.

Type Effort [h]
Data Ethics 50
Open Data 100

# Materials

Author Title Year
Ethics Advisory Group Ethics Advisory Group Report 2018 2018
European Union Open Data Maturity in Europe 2017 2017
Specific papers related to domains
Open data Web sites and catalogues

# Assessment

Type Percent
Data Ethics: Presentation and handout 33.33 percent
Open Data: Project results and presentation 66.67 percent

# Methods

Data Ethics: Participation in discussions Open Data: Problem based learning (excercises and project)

# Criteria

Grade Grade (letter) Scale
5 Nicht Genügend <50 percent
4 Genügend 50 to <63 percent
3 Befriedigent 63 to <75 percent
2 Gut 75 to <88 percent
1 Sehr gut 88 to 100 percent

# Requirements

Basic Knowledge in Web Technologies, Database Systems, and Data Management.

# Skills

  • Webdevelopment
  • Data handling

# Equipment

  • Used Software will be introduced within the course

# Enrollment

Participation is free of charge. Student of partner universities can send applications to participate in courses.


# UAS Technikum Wien

UAS Technikum Wien Main Entrance at Night

UAS Technikum Wien was founded in 1994 and is Austria’s only University of Applied Sciences focused solely on technical subjects. UAS Technikum Wien offers high-quality teaching, research, and training. As of December 2018, around 4,400 students are studying in 12 bachelor‘s and 18 master’s degree programs, and the number of graduates is about 11,000.

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# Lecturers

Michael Graf
Portrait of Michael Graf

# Michael Graf

Studies in philosophy and theology. Master´s degree at the university of Vienna.

Development and coordinaton of the ethics-programme at UAS Technikum Wien since 1995.

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Lukas Rohatsch
Portrait of Lukas Rohatsch

# Lukas Rohatsch

Lukas Rohatsch holds a master’s degree in Integrative Urban Development – Smart City as well as a bachelor’s degree in Transport and Environment issued by the UAS Technikum Wien.

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